Travel Safety Tips

Have Your Car Serviced
Now is a great time to pull your car into the service station to have any problems addressed. Has your “Change Oil” light been on for the past month? Have you heard funny noises coming from under the hood? Has a year or more passed since you checked the air pressure in your tires or had them rotated?
Get to a mechanic and have your car serviced. The last thing you want is to be stranded on the side of the road and be unable to get to Grandma’s house in time to have dinner.
Give Yourself Enough Time
Speeding is a major contributor to accidents, and many people don’t pencil in enough time for them to reach their destinations. Remember that pets and young children need regular pit stops to stretch their legs and run around. (Pit stops don’t hurt the adults, either!) By giving yourself enough of a cushion, you won’t feel pressure to drive recklessly.
Get Enough Sleep
If you are travelling very far, then you might break up the trip into 2 pieces. Find a hotel to stay in overnight. This way, you will be well rested when out on the road. Drowsy driving is dangerous, so avoid it if you can.
Also consider spending the night at your relative’s house before heading back home. This might not be ideal, but it is better than cramming into the car late at night for a 5-hour trip back home when you are drowsy from eating too much.
Keep Valuables Stored in the Trunk
AAA offers this great tip. Thieves are out in full force during the holidays. If everyone goes to the bathroom, don’t leave expensive presents in plain sight in the back seat. Someone could break into your car to steal them. Instead, stow them away in the trunk or, if necessary, throw a blanket over them.
Prepare for Poor Weather
Many parts of the country are getting blanketed with snow this month. Freezing rain and ice are also problems. Something as simple as a rainstorm could prove dangerous when temps drop below freezing overnight and black ice forms.
You might not be familiar with driving in bad weather. Remember to go slow and to give yourself plenty of room between you and the vehicle in front of you. If your car starts to skid, try to steer into the skid to regain control of the vehicle. And everyone in the car should buckle up!
Report Drunk Drivers
Some people enjoy one too many drinks during the holidays, either because they are in a festive spirit or because this is the only way they can get through a meal with their relatives. If you see someone weaving in a lane or drifting into oncoming traffic, then call the cops. The person could be impaired.
Our Delray Beach personal injury lawyers have practiced for over three decades in our community, and we are here to help if an accident injures you this holiday season or any other time of the year. To talk with a member of our team, please call 561-265-2220.