Crash Recovery And Electric Scooters

While electric scooters are an enjoyable and affordable means of transportation, there are dangers to relying on these vehicles as your primary way to run errands and commute to work. For instance, you may be less visible to cars and if a crash were to occur. And if you are struck, you do not have the protection that a person in a car has against harm.
Whether the accident you were involved in was caused by the scooter operator or if a car struck an electrical scooter, damage recovery could be in your future. Connect with a Delray Beach personal injury attorney to share your story and learn about your recovery options.
Steps to Take After an Electric Scooter Accident
When a car driver hits you while you are riding an electric scooter and following road rules, the driver is likely negligent. Beyond your personal injury protections there may be a way to access funds from the car driver for medical bills and scooter repair or replacement. In other situations, the electric scooter operator behaves recklessly, possibly making abrupt or illegal lane changes resulting in a traffic collision, so they would be designated as the at-fault party.
In the aftermath of a collision, it is not the time to discuss who was the at-fault party. Instead, focus on getting medical care. If it is clear a person or people have been hurt, calling an ambulance to care for injuries, develop treatment plans, and establish medical records is an important step.
You will also want to call law enforcement to file a police report. And having a law professional on the scene is essential when injuries have been sustained, drivers are under the influence, a commercial vehicle was part of the crash, or one or more drivers fled the accident scene.
Individually, you can take photos and collect contact information from others involved. Keep conversations short and only discuss the facts of the accident. The police officer who arrives on the scene will inform you when you can leave the scene.
Ask a Lawyer About Your Claim’s Value
Once you have accessed the medical care you need after an electric scooter accident, talk to a Delray Beach personal injury attorney about filing a claim and how much your claim is worth. Knowing the value of your claim will give you the confidence to counter low offers from insurance adjusters. A lawyer can handle all insurance negotiations for you and will keep you informed on when settlement offers come in and their advice on next steps.
Were you riding an electric scooter when you sustained a crash injury? Talk to the knowledgeable attorneys at Earnhart Law in Delray Beach about obtaining compensatory damages. Our experienced Florida lawyers will determine the value of your claim and fight for your rights each step of the way. Because our skilled lawyers have been handling personal injury cases for over 30 years, we know when an offer is fair and when it is in your best interests to push back and secure a larger amount. Call 561-265-2220 or contact us online to get started.